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Inspiration Comes in Many Forms

I had meant to share this quite some time ago (don’t ask me where October went, I’d rather not discuss it), but hadn’t the chance. One of the ambient musicians I respect most is the phenomenally talented Lee Ellen Shoemaker, better known to her legions of fans as The Tunnel Singer.

She is literally that: a lady with an incredible voice who creates ambient music by singing in huge reverberant spaces like tunnels. Her music is powerful, evocative, and hauntingly beautiful, and I am grateful to consider her a cordial acquaintance, even if calling her a “friend” would be presumptuous of me.

Lee Ellen is an occasional visitor to StillStream, where her music is frequently featured, and hangs out in the chat room to visit with all and sundry. One night in September, she listened in as I played one of my ambient “rants”, and soon afterward I received an email with an attachment. “I painted this while listening to you,” was all it said.

Okay, I’m sorry, but…. how cool is that?


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