Welcome to RadioSpiral!
Submissions - Our Selections
Here's the business-like bit. Read on if you would like to submit your music to RadioSpiral.
RadioSpiral is a free, non-commercial electronica radio stream, and promotes interest in this genre of music as well as providing exposure for artists.
We support and encourage all artists from the genre, but we have a limited number of hours in the day (just like you!) and cannot possibly play everything that is submitted to us. We choose the music we play based on quality (music, production and recording), as well as giving a fair rotation to different subgenres. Hosts choose their own music for their shows or may play live, and this will affect the time left for other submissions. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that all tracks submitted to us will be aired.
We listen to and approve every track submitted to us, but cannot guarantee if or when it will receive airplay. We value every submission in support of what we are trying to do, and thank you in advance for your support.
If you have not heard your track, it may be lined up for later play or may simply not fit what we are currently presenting. It does not mean it is not suitable for airplay, nor does it mean we will not play it in the future. We retain the right to play or not play anything submitted.
Copyright law requires radio stations in general to pay license fees for the privilege of broadcasting music to listeners. RadioSpiral is a non-commercial, not-for-profit station. We do not run advertising, nor do we have any regular means of income; any donations received go towards server, website hosting and Second Life parcel costs for the station and do not currently come close to covering these costs. We lose money as a station, but will keep doing what we do as long as we can keep the outlay tolerable.
It is because of this lack of funding that we do not pay license fees or royalties of any kind. For example, we do not license music from ASCAP, BMI, SESAC or SoundExchange, or any related entities. Therefore, we can only legally play music in the following two scenarios:
The music is released under an appropriate Creative Commons license; or
RadioSpiral has a license fee waiver on file from the artist/rightsholder of the music.
We strongly support ambient artists and their right to profit by their music, but RadioSpiral cannot afford commercial license fees. Without wishing to wave an "exposure dollar" at you, there is some merit in the exposure you would receive with airplay on our station. RadioSpiral has dedicated listeners who want to hear your music and want to know who you are and where to get it.
Therefore, if you are an artist seeking to submit music to RadioSpiral for airplay, we are delighted to consider your music, but before we air anything we must ask for either a documented waiver of all licensing fees for your music, or some kind of notice that shows the music is available under Creative Commons.
If you are unsure which option to choose, click the “Commercial Copyright” link, since that gives us proper permission to air your music regardless of your license.
Submission Form
Would you like your music to be considered for airplay on RadioSpiral? We're excited to hear what you have for us! We do require you to fill out a waiver; the reasons why are stated above.
Once you have filled out this form, any new tracks can be sent as links via our Contact form.
Please note:
Music submitted that is not electronica will not be considered. So that means no prog rock, no jazz, no rap, no pop, no ska, no reggae... just electronica! We are an electronica station, so anything else would not fit and it would not benefit you, as the artist, to be featured on a station that does not draw your target audience. Yes, Ambient music genres do come under our purview.
Submissions should be sent to us electronically. We do not provide a physical mailing address and do not accept physical media. We will accept the following formats: MP3, AAC, FLAC, ALAC (Apple Lossless), AIFF, and WAV. We accept any resolution, but be aware that we will transcode all files to 128K MP3 for broadcast. On completion and receipt of the waiver, we will inform you of how to get files to us.
Please re-enter you full legal name exactly as it appears in the previous name field. This is your electronic signature.
By choosing Commercial License you confirm you are the copyright holder of all music you will be submitting.
Please enter the Captcha, and keep us bot-free.
Now, please read the waiver. When you have read it and are satisfied, you must verify this.